Document Type : Original Article
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Science and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
BACKGROUND: Suicide ideation is one of the common mental health problems among university
students. This study aimed to explain suicide ideation susceptibility by examining the relationships
between psychological factors.
METHODOLOGY: The population of the study included all female undergraduate students at the
University of Isfahan in autumn 2018. A sample of 180 individuals were selected through multistage
sampling from different faculties and majors. The scales used in this study included adults attachments
inventory, Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation, Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, and Suicide Ideation
Scale. The statistical analyses included t‑test, Pearson correlation, and path analysis.
RESULTS: Suicide ideation was reported in 25% of the participants. The t‑test analysis indicated
that the mean scores for dysfunctional attitudes (P < 0.01) and problem‑focused coping (P < 0.01)
were significantly different in with and without suicide ideation groups. Suicide ideation significantly
correlated with problem‑focused coping (r = −0.42, P < 0.01), emotion‑focused coping (r = 0.25,
P < 0.05), and dysfunctional attitudes (r = 0.23, P < 0.05). Path analysis showed that dysfunctional
attitudes and emotion‑focused coping significantly influenced suicide ideation. Moreover, the indirect
effect of insecure (ambivalent and avoidant) attachment styles by mediating role of dysfunctional
attitudes and emotion‑focused coping was statistically significant (P < 0.01) and the indirect effect
of dysfunctional attitudes by mediating role of emotion‑focused coping as well (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Insecure attachment styles and dysfunctional attitudes work as stress–diathesis
model in predicting suicide ideation and increase suicide ideation susceptibility by affecting
emotion‑focused coping strategy. The hypothesized model in this study can help formulate, evaluate,
and prevent suicide risk.
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