Document Type : Original Article
- . Noushin Kohan
- . Akbar Fotouhi 1
- . Mohammad Jalili 2
- . Roghayeh Gandomkar 3
- . Homayoun Amini 4
- . Ali Jafarian 5
1 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Health Professions Education Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
3 Department of Medical Education, Education Development Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
4 Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
5 Departments of General Surgery and Medical Education, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Selection of the managers and leaders is a major concern of leading organizations.
Recruitment of the qualified individuals in an educational organization depends on effective
selection techniques. The present study reports the experience of Tehran University of Medical
Sciences (TUMS) in designing a framework for selection of school dean.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: First, a literature review was conducted to identify the common
frameworks for the selection of deans in academic environment. Then, the perceptions of key
stakeholders were collected via focus group discussions. Thematic analysis was used to categorize
participants’ comments. Following, an institutional guideline for selection of school dean was
developed based on the derived themes and subthemes by a task force and approved by the board
of directors.
RESULTS: Three themes and nine subthemes were extracted, resulting in the selection framework
for the school dean at TUMS with three phases of preparation, selection, and appointment. The
preparation phase includes organizational needs analysis, designing the selection strategy and
determining the eligibility of nominee. In the selection phases, various methods such as personal
resume, interview, and consultation with beneficiaries were recommended, and the appointment
phase includes formal appointment of the selected nominee by the university chancellor.
CONCLUSIONS: We developed a framework for selection of school dean at TUMS. It recognizes
the process that top managers would look out when selecting school deans. The framework may
result to choose the proper individuals who have suitable plans and stronger Curriculum Vitae, while
involving key stakeholders and collecting wisdom.
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