Document Type : Original Article
Environmental and Occupational Hazards Control Research Center, School of Public Health and Safety, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Aging and chronic diseases associated with nutrition are increasing in the world;
therefore, access to a tool for assessing nutritional literacy in the elderly is necessary. Therefore,
the present study was carried out with the aim of psychometric evaluation of nutritional literacy in
the elderly.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was carried out to psychometric testing of the Nutrition
Literacy Scale (NLS), through the validity and reliability of the tool in 280 elderly people (60 years of
age and older) in Tehran. The validity of this tool was determined through the methods of translation,
face and content and reliability of the tool through the methods of test–retest and internal consistency.
Finally, the tool was analyzed using SPSS software version 16.
RESULTS: In this study, content validity index (CVI) was calculated for each item; CVI average
was 0.86.5. To determine the reliability of the tool, interclass correlation coefficient was calculated
by measuring the instrument’s stability, and it was 0.92. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the
existence of six factors in the questionnaire, which was named nutritional information, healthy
nutrition, calorie intake, organic foods, saturated fats, and unit size, which explains 43% of the total
variance. Furthermore, in the internal consistency assessment, the questionnaire was completed
by 280 elderly people, and the Cronbach’s α coefficient was 0.80.
CONCLUSION: Based on the results obtained in the reliability and validity assessment, NLS in
Iranian elderly has a desirable reliability and validity. This questionnaire has been translated into
Persian for the first time. The results of this study provide a standard tool for assessing nutritional
literacy status in Persian language communities.
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