1 Mental Health Research Center, School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Biostatistics, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran
INTRODUCTION: Various programs are implemented internationally to promote the mental and social
health of the students in schools. This study systematically reviewed and categorized all resources,
indicators, and criteria for evaluating mental and social programs of schools.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This systematic review was conducted by collecting data
from the PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest, and Web of Science databases
using the keywords of “evaluation, mental health program, social health program, behavioral
and emotional program.” In the initial review, 4295 studies were found, which reduced to 75 after
removing the repetitions and evaluating the studies’ quality. The articles were selected using the
PRISMA chart.
RESULTS: The findings resulted in three main categories of structure, process, and
outcome; 16 subcategories; and 166 codes. The category of structure included the subcategories of
human resources, physical space, facilities, training, needed committees and teams, financing, and
implementing mental and social programs. The subcategories of process category were functional
indicators, guidelines and protocols, communication, documentation, planning/coordination, time
management, and monitoring. The subcategories of behavioral‑therapeutic, satisfaction, and
educational outcomes were associated with the outcome category.
CONCLUSION: Application of the structure, process, and outcome indicators, derived from the
findings of this study, will greatly improve evaluation of the international mental health programs in
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