Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

2 Department of Community Medicine

3 Department of Ophthalmology

4 Foundation in Science, Melaka Manipal Medical College (MAHE), Melaka, Malaysia


BACKGROUND: Cancer cervix is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), oncogenic virus and has
vaccines and screening as its preventive measures. This study analyzes the change in awareness
and attitudes of nonmedical students toward the condition following the use of an educational module.
METHODOLOGY: The study design was quasi‑experimental. The interprofessional (IP) team
implemented an educational module and analyzed the difference in awareness of young individuals
toward the cancer cervix. A pretest and posttest written questionnaire, customized for both genders,
was administered with the intervention of the educational module in between. The module consisted
of a short educational presentation along with a group activity. A follow‑up survey was also done after
2 months to check the attrition of awareness. The statistical analysis was done using MacNemar test
using SPSS 12 IBM software and significance of differences were determined.
RESULTS: There was a significant improvement of knowledge and awareness on linkage between
HPV and cervical cancer (P < 0.001). There was also significant change with regard to attitudes
toward cervical cancer vaccination (P = 0.004). The knowledge of HPV linkage to the malignancy
was maintained after 2 months of gap. The subjects also wished for more future awareness program.
CONCLUSIONS: There is improved awareness in the dental and foundation in science students,
and this improved awareness will ensure favorable attitudes toward cervical cancer vaccines or
will attend regular screening programs. Awareness program must be held at regular intervals at
different locations to enhance the knowledge dissemination of this common yet preventable genital
malignancy of females. The IP collaboration and practices will help in reducing the disease burden
of the society in future.


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