Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
2 Children Growth and Development Research Center, Non communicable Diseases Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Full health is one of the basic human rights and requires a healthy lifestyle.
Public continuous education, especially among the students who are a great target group and the
future of the country, is the best way to modify lifestyle. Therefore, the present study was conducted
with the aim of analyzing the factors affecting the prevention of non communicable diseases from
studentsʼ viewpoints in Isfahan in the academicyear of 2016–2017.
METHODS: This study was carried out through the qualitative approach and conventional content
analysis method. Participants included 27 students who were selected by convenient and purposeful
sampling method with maximum variation. Method of data collection was semi structured interviews
with sound recordings with note–taking, and data analysis method was inductive content analysis.
RESULTS: After removing repetitive codes and merging the similar ones, 1237 codes were obtained
from interviews that were placed in 7 main categories and 18 subcategories. The main categories
included “grand health policy‑makings,ˮ “the role of the educational system in promoting health,ˮ
“schools and healthy nutrition models,ˮ “schools and sports and physical activity development,ˮ
“informal learning,ˮ “preventive strategies in health promotion,ˮand “lifestyle modification.ˮ
CONCLUSION: It seems that controlling and improving the factors affecting lifestyle and making
school education more effective are the main factors that influence the efficacy of preventive
educational programs of non communicable diseases.
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