Document Type : Original Article


Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi, Karnataka, India


BACKGROUND: Attempts to put the available teaching–learning time to better use and address the
needs of students by increasing active involvement led to the evolution of the flipped classroom (FC).
It involves providing study resources for students to use outside the class so that class time is freed
up for instructional activities. This study was done to assess the effectiveness of flipped classroom
activity as a teaching–learning method.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this interventional study, 98 students were divided into two batches
of flipped class and conventional small group teaching (SGT). An online Google group was created for
the batch of FC. Brief introduction and prerecorded videos related to the assigned topic were posted
in the Google group. Discussion was carried out in the form of solving cases and problem‑solving
exercises. Pretest and posttest were conducted at each session, and an end of module test was
conducted for both the groups.
RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the pre‑ and posttest scores and also the
mean scores of summative test between two groups (P < 0.001). The perception of the students
regarding FC was also evaluated. Eighty‑two percent strongly agreed that FC was more engaging
and interesting in comparison to traditional class. Seventy‑six percent strongly agreed that more
such classes should be conducted in the future.
CONCLUSION: Flipped classroom improved the student performance and learning experience
effectively as compared to conventional SGT, and students’ response was also largely positive.


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