Document Type : Original Article



BACKGROUND: In the daily lives of people, the level of anxiety plays a significant role. This applies
to students, who experience anxiety when taking examinations referred to as examination anxiety.
Majority of the current educational institutions have shifted from a traditional evaluation system to one
that is computerized. The present study aim is to identify the computerized examination anxiety (CEA)
among college students in the Faculty of Health and to compare the differences among them based
on study system and gender.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research is a descriptive quantitative design. The research
population consists of 138 health college students. CEA scale was used to identify the level of
examination anxiety among students. Data were then exposed to analysis, namely the descriptive
statistics, independent sample t‑test, and Chi‑square tests, to obtain the answers to the research
questions at the level of <0.05.
RESULTS: Based on the findings, the CEA experienced by the health students was of moderate
level. The findings also showed insignificant differences between students’ levels of anxiety based
on gender and study system at <0.05 value.
CONCLUSION: The study contributed to literature by adding a study related to CEA during COVID‑19.
The study enumerated implications and recommendations based on the findings.


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