Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Faculty of Health, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Science, Yazd, Iran
BACKGROUND: Todays, human lifestyle has faced significant changes, and this lifestyle has
caused health problems. The increase of smoking, among young people, is one of the risk factors
and incorrect lifestyle factors. The present study will design an educational campaign intervention
based on the protection motivation theory (PMT) on smoking preventive behaviors in students.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In designing this study, five phases are considered. (1) needs
assessment and determination of the current situation are considered. In this phase, the required
communication is established to form a planning team with key and influential people and experts, (2)
tool design, (3) educational intervention (educational campaign) is designed. Some individuals will
be selected and trained as facilitators to start entering the target population, have a better access
to the target group, and implement the interventions in the target group. (4) the implementation of
the educational plan, in which the designed educational intervention (educational campaign) will
be implemented on the students of the studied universities. (5) the educational evaluation, which
will be conducted 2 months after the intervention of the educational campaign. The posttest will be
based on before and after the implementation of the educational campaign. In the prevention of the
second type in smoking students, the salivary cotinine levels of smoking students will be measured
and comparisons will be made before and after educational using appropriate statistical tests.
RESULTS: The present study addresses the needs and strategies for smoking prevention using a
training campaign based on the PMT and web .
CONCLUSION: Designing a campaign which will lead to smoking preventive behaviors causes
lifestyle changes, prevent health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and other
chronic diseases, reduce treatment costs, and increase life expectancy.
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