Document Type : Original Article
- . Rashmi Ramanathan
- . Jeevithan Shanmugam 1
- . Magadi Gopalakrishna Sridhar 2
- . Kalaniti Palanisamy 3
- . Seetharaman Narayanan 1
1 Department of Community Medicine, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Department of Biochemistry, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
3 Department of General Medicine, KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
INTRODUCTION: Medical education in India is experiencing a paradigm shift from traditional
curriculum to competency‑based medical education (CBME). It de‑emphasizes time‑based training
and promises greater accountability, flexibility, and learner centeredness. Faculty development is
integral in the context of CBME. Considering faculty perceptions toward the new CBME and addressing
the difficulties will play a vital role in successful implementation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was carried out among 297 teaching faculty
in 91 medical colleges across 20 states all over India between February and July 2020. A structured
validated questionnaire on CBME was used to collect the responses through Google forms and was
exported and analyzed in Microsoft Excel.
RESULTS: More than 80% opined that Faculty members in departments are not adequate for
successful CBME implementation. Reflective learning, early clinical exposure, and elective posting
were accepted by 60.2%, 70.4%, and 45.5% of the faculty, respectively. Around 81.8% welcomed
horizontal integration, whereas only 54.2% favored vertical integration during the Phase I MBBS.
CONCLUSION: Few reforms such as curtailing the duration of foundation course, sensitization of
all medical teachers through faculty development programs, better synchronized vertical integration,
increasing the strength of faculty in each department, and adequate infrastructure for skills laboratory
can be undertaken as per faculty suggestions.
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