Document Type : Original Article
CONTEXT: Research experience helps an undergraduate student to understand published works, to
learn teamwork, and even to consider research as a career. Few medical institutions have attempted
to engage undergraduates in research experience. Competency‑based medical education has
emerged as a core strategy to educate and assess medical students worldwide.
AIMS: This study aims to develop and implement a competency‑based research methodology training
module for undergraduate students and find out students’ perception about this.
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A cross‑sectional study of mixed design was undertaken in the Department
of Community Medicine, UCMS, Delhi, India.
METHODOLOGY: A competency‑based research training module was developed and implemented
with 4th semester undergraduate students posted in the department. Students’ feedback about the
module was obtained.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: For quantitative variables, means, ranges, medians, and
percentages were calculated. To find out students’ perception about the posting a qualitative analysis
was done.
RESULTS: The module was implemented with 25 students posted in the department in May 2017.
However, feedback was obtained from 23 students. About 83% of the students reported as highly
satisfied with the posting, 61% of the students mentioned that after completion of this posting, they
felt motivated to do further research. A qualitative analysis of the feedback showed that students
found the project helped them to enhance their knowledge and develop skills.
CONCLUSIONS: Competency‑based research methodology training can serve as a tool for teaching
research methodology to undergraduate students.
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