Document Type : Original Article



BACKGROUND: Social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram etc., are
becoming very popular now not only for youth but for all walks of life. People are more often seen in
busy in tweeting, chatting, or putting selfies. No one actually knows the mental state of a person in
the online platform. In this article, we will be focusing on how social media is affecting issues such
as road accident, murder, and suicide. The research is done by three parts.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Google Form analysis, machine learning used for prediction, and by
sentimental analysis of what people think in twitter. All the datasets are based in India. From these
datasets, the different machine learning algorithm is used to do the analysis. The project strives to
bring the real‑world solution in the matter of advancement.
RESULTS: The static data analysis and dynamic data analysis shows the various sentimental analysis
and predictions and the technique to predict different mental states. Thus we get clearly about the
current world is getting into social issues. This research findings helps to bring social awareness
among the current generation by understanding the sensitivity of the youths.
CONCLUSION: Thus through this paper we get known clearly how the current world is getting
into social issues like victim of murders or road accidents or committing suicide. The paper clearly
helps us to understand the sensitivity of the youths. Therefore brings a social awareness among
the current generation.


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