Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health Education and Promotion, School of Public Health, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran

2 Diabetes Research Center, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran

3 Health System Research Unit, Health Center of Urmia, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran


BACKGROUND: In several countries such as Iran, the use of complementary and alternative medical
products like herbal medicine is growing. There is, however, a lack of research on the prospects
of herbal medicine patrons regarding facilitators and herbal medicine use barriers. The aim of this
study was to explain the facilitators and the barriers of herbal medicine use in type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM) patients.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Qualitative one‑to‑one in‑depth interviews were conducted with
patients with T2DM from the Yazd Diabetes Research Center, using a semi‑structured guide. For
the recruitment of T2DM participants who used herbal medicine beside conventional medicine,
purposeful sampling was used. Analysis of the data was carried out using the steps proposed by
Graneheim and Landman strategies.
RESULTS: Sixteen patients were interviewed. There were 2 subjects (facilitators and barriers herbal
medicine use), 8 categories, and 89 initial codes. The facilitators included individual preferences,
preparation skills, and family support and the factors obstructing the use of herbal medicine included
insufficient skills about preparing, lack of easy access to consumption, insufficient of efficacy of herbal
medicine, and negative properties of herbal medicine and taking time in preparing herbal medicine.
CONCLUSION: Although some people use herbal medicine, the interest in use of herbal medicine
is limited because of inadequate awareness of the impact and usage them. Therefore, the use of
effective strategy in the integration of herbal remedies with conventional medicine can promote
well‑being of patients.


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