Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health in Emergencies and Disasters, Student Research Committee of School of Management and Medical Information, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Department of Nursing, Kerman Islamic Azad University, Sirjan Branch, Kerman

3 Department of Nursing, Yasooj Islamic Azad University, Yasooj Branch, Yasooj, Iran


OBJECTIVE: Self‑efficacy is an individual’s self‑perception of one’s ability to perform competently
and to achieve a task or goal effectively. In the nursing field, self-efficacy can be useful in predicting
performance, job satisfaction, or well-being. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, this study
aimed to determine the effect of educational workshop on nurses’ self‑efficacy along with follow‑up
in patient training.
METHODS: The study employed a single group quasi‑experimental study with a pretest/posttest
design and was conducted in one educational hospital supervised by the Kerman University of Medical
Sciences in 2016. Nurses’ self‑efficacy was analyzed through a researcher‑made questionnaire
prior and after the workshop and along with the follow‑up period (n = 20). Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation and analytic statistics such as Pearson
correlation coefficient, independent t‑test, paired t‑test, and ANOVA with P ≤ 0.05.
RESULTS: This study showed that 1 month after educational workshop, the score of self‑efficacy
dimensions increased (P < 0.05). Furthermore, results showed that after a 3‑month follow‑up period,
self‑efficacy score increased in comparison to preintervention self‑efficacy score. Results showed that
the total score means of self‑efficacy before the workshop was 59.01 ± 14.91 while postworkshop,
self‑efficacy score means was 79.83 ± 11.90.
CONCLUSION: The present research results presented that educational workshop may enhance
self‑efficacy among nurses. According to the obtained results, it is recommended that the Ministry
of Health, Treatment and Medical Training, in cooperation with nursing institutions responsible for
nursing and medical in‑service education adopt necessary measures to enhance self‑efficacy among
employees in addition to improving patient training condition at medical processes through similar
workshops or conducting related studies.


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