Document Type : Original Article


1 Isfahan Health Care Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Social Development & Health Promotion Research Center, Health Institute, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Department of Child Growth and Development, Research Institute for Primary Prevention of Non-Communicable Disease, Isfahan University of Medical science, Isfahan, Iran


BACKGROUND: Although the World Health Organization has emphasized the need for reorientation
of hospitals toward health promotion (HP), HP in hospitals of Iran is a new concept. This study
investigated the concept of HP among health‑care professionals working in educational hospitals
of Isfahan, Iran, 2015.
METHODS: A descriptive exploratory qualitative approach was employed in this study, with
semi‑structured interviews to investigate HP concept. The study settings included four selected
educational hospitals affiliated to the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. A purposive sample
consisted of 15 health‑care professionals who were participated in the study.
RESULTS: Most of the participants perceived HP as a concept synonymous to health education and
disease prevention. Other meaning attributes to HP were improved quality of life and well‑being,
clinical practice, individual and group approach to increase health, and holistic view to health. Some
empowerment strategies were described by participants, but most of the participants rarely went
beyond traditional health education strategy aimed at an individual target. A sizeable number of
participants used interchangeably the terms “health promotion” with “prevention,” “health education,”
and “hygiene”.
CONCLUSIONS: It seems that participants of this study had limited knowledge about HP. Health‑care
staff have a decisive role for reorienting hospitals toward HP; thus, there is a need for ongoing
in‑service training for health‑care professionals of hospitals to focus on HP.


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