Document Type : Original Article


1 Amol Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran

2 Health Services Management Research Center, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

3 Department of Health and Emergency in Disasters, School of Healthcare Management and Medical Information, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

4 Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran


BACKGROUND: Traumatic events and psychological damage are common. Identifying different
types of traumatic events contributes to the development of psychopathology and can be very helpful
in macroeducational and treatment planners. The current study extracted the patterns (overlap)
of different traumatic events that Iranian college students commonly experience, with the aim of
understanding their association with posttraumatic growth (PTG) and religiosity.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four hundred and sixty‑six students from Kerman universities
completed a cross‑sectional survey about religion, and questions about PTG and traumatic events
have experienced in the past 5 years. The latent class analysis (LCA) was used for extracting patterns
of traumatic events, and the one‑way ANOVA test was used to compare PTG and religiosity across
these classes in Iranian college students.
RESULTS: The LCA revealed that a three‑class solution had an adequate relative and absolute
fit. The three classes were labeled and characterized as multiple‑traumatic events (2.9%),
intermediate‑traumatic events (31.1%), and low‑traumatic events (66.0%). In ANOVA results for
PTG and Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) domains across classes, individuals in the
multiple‑traumatic classes had the lowest score of PTG and DUREL domains.
CONCLUSION: Although the current study showed the relative frequency of multiple‑traumatic
events in Iranian students is low, individuals categorized in this class had the lowest PTG, and these
findings reveal the necessitation of planning and interventions for PTG.


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