Document Type : Original Article



INTRODUCTION: The Balint group’s seminars were developed by Michael and Enid Balint for the
purpose of a better understanding of doctor–patient relationships. This study aimed to introduce
the Balint group and its application to the medical science educational program and to provide an
up‑to‑date perspective on Balint group research.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was carried out as a systematic literature search published
from January 2008 to September 2018 in the databases of PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and
Proquest, which were searched with keywords such as the Balint group and medical education
along with numerous related terms. Duplicates, non‑English language articles were discarded from
the review.
RESULTS: A total of nine papers entered the study. Among included articles, four used a qualitative
methodology, four used a quantitative methodology, and one applied a mixed methodology. Four main
aims emerged from the content of papers: (1) to evaluate resident and medical student experiences
in Balint groups, (2) to improve communication skills and reduce burnout level, (3) to assess the
Balint group’s effects on empathy, and (4) to explore the contexts and triggers of cases presented
in Balint groups.
CONCLUSION: Our results help us to the achievement of a better planning and design of an efficient
Balint group in medical education. The findings enable the policymakers to make better decisions
on the topic. Balint groups may guide medical students (residents) to become more patient centered
by improving their communication skills and empathic abilities and reducing the level of burnout.


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3. Stelcer B. Role of Balint group in hospice practice. Prog Health
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