Document Type : Original Article
BACKGROUND: The main issue for advancing any health system is human resources for
health (HRH); although efforts to address HRH shortage and performance have accelerated over
recent years, HRH is still a problem for delivering quality services. Addressing key governance issues
is essential for developing capable health workforce, and good governance should be an integral
part of planning and implementation of HRH.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a qualitative study, undertaken in 2017. Data processing
included 14 in‑depth interviews with the experts of human resource management in medical
universities and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The sampling was carried out using
purposeful sampling method and continued until reaching data saturation. Data analysis was
performed using subject analysis method.
RESULTS: This study assessment of the human resource governance in ten principles includes
strategic vision, participation and consensus orientation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness,
equity and inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, intelligence and information,
and ethics. The result showed that although MOHME tries to reduce insufficient and unbalance’s
human resources and expand the capacity building in human resource planning, there are not enough
practical knowledge and skills among policy‑makers.
CONCLUSIONS: Strengthening human resource governance should have been among the priorities
identified in the health national strategy and government should have a long‑term perspective, and
all key factors in government, civil society, academia, and other stakeholders should participate in
human resource policy‑making and their participations should be accepted as a culture.
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