Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Dharwad Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Dharwad

2 Department of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: A child’s social competence depends on a number of factors
including family atmosphere. Parental alcoholism effects the development of child directly or indirectly.
Children of alcoholics (COAs) may have lower social competence. Addressing this problem at the
earliest can significantly reduce the problems in future. The objective of the study is to compare the
social competence between COAs and non‑COA.
METHODS: A cross‑sectional comparative study design was used. The study was conducted
at a selected government high school located in Bengaluru urban. One hundred COA and
100 non‑COA were recruited for the study by using simple random sampling technique.
Children of Alcoholic Screening Test (modified) and Social Competence Scale were used in
the study.
RESULTS: Results show that there is statistically significant difference between COAs and non‑COAs
with regard to prosocial attitude, social competition, social leadership, social tolerance, social maturity,
social skills, and overall skills.
CONCLUSION: The study concludes that COAs have low level of social competence.


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