Document Type : Original Article
CONTEXT: India experienced pandemic phase of H1N1 in May 2009 to December 2010. The
postpandemic phase went on from January 2011 to December 2014. As per the WHO, all countries
should immunize their health‑care workers as a first priority to protect the essential health infrastructure.
AIMS: The aim of the study is to assess the level of awareness and acceptance of influenza vaccine
among physicians and also the perception of physicians regarding H1N1 infection. This study also
examined time of vaccine administration in relation with efficacy concerns based on literature.
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A vaccination campaign was conducted for all health‑care workers of
Seth GSMC and KEM Hospital, Mumbai, in the month of July 2017 based on which a cross‑sectional
observational study was conducted among the physicians of the same institute.
METHODS: After ethical clearance, a prevalidated pretested survey based on a pilot survey of 20
physicians was distributed among physicians, which was based on the awareness and acceptance of
H1N1 vaccination among physicians and perception of H1N1 infection. Effective sample size was 272.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Descriptive statistics and Chi‑square test were generated for
the survey responses. All the continuous variables were reported as mean, median, and range.
Categorical variables were reported as tables and pie charts. P < 0.05 was taken as significant. Data
analysis was done with SPSS version 21.
RESULTS: The overall vaccine compliance was 29.8%. This study has found that area of work,
deficiency in knowledge about adverse effect of vaccine, misconceptions regarding vaccine, and
concerns about efficacy and duration of vaccine are the important factors which lead to decreased
vaccine compliance. Furthermore, it is found during the study that timing of vaccination was not given
due importance as considering the epidemiological pattern.
CONCLUSIONS: More emphasis should be given to education sessions and counseling of physicians
regarding H1N1 vaccination and oseltamivir therapy. At administrative level, more focus should be
given on timing of vaccination and other logistics. Vaccine campaigns should be conducted ideally
1 month before expected rise in cases. Quadrivalent vaccine would be more appropriate over trivalent
based on epidemiology of infection in India.
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