Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychology, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine


BACKGROUND: It’s already known for certain that SARS‑CoV‑2 can affect any vital human
organ, and super‑complex cases are even characterized by multiple organ pathology. In particular,
complications of COVID‑19 for the kidneys can be irreversible. Consequently, this virus forces us
to review the approaches and standards of diagnosis and treatment in most nosologies to minimize
the risks as much as possible. Thus, a low level of prediction of the course of coronavirus infection
requires a comprehensive approach considering the psychological characteristics of the individual
suffering from this disease.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The method of chronometric testing is used to predict the predisposition
to the course of SARS‑CoV‑2 with nephrotic complications (using an electronic chronoscope) and
calculate the duration of an individual’s biological life cycle to predict the severity of the course of
coronavirus infection. Experimental study of the localization of symptoms of chronic nephrological
diseases in typological groups of patients with SARS‑CoV‑2 using the method of psychodiagnostics.
The duration of the study is six months 2020–2021. The study was conducted under the guidance
of a nephrologist at the Odrex Clinic I.I.
RESULTS: The results of an experimental study show that the psychological type determines the
predisposition to the course of SARS‑CoV‑2 with nephrotic complications; in most of these patients,
severe (834 patients) forms of the course coincided with the end of quarters of the long biological
cycle of an individual’s life.
CONCLUSION: The chronopsychotype makes it possible to predict the predisposition of individuals
to the course of SARS‑CoV‑2 with nephrological complications and the severity of the disease.


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