Document Type : Original Article


Undergraduate Dental Student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, TPCT’s Terna Dental College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


BACKGROUND: This exploratory study was done to assess the multidimensional perfectionism
trends among various core and allied health care professionals in a major Indian metropolitan city of
western India. Unlike other scales, here we considered both individual and intersubjective components
of perfectionism by introducing three trait dimensions – self‑oriented perfectionism, other‑oriented
perfectionism, and socially prescribed perfectionism.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional descriptive type of study was conducted with total
sample consisting of 500 participants with the main motive of evaluation and comparison of the
multidimensional perfectionism among interns of the core and allied health care professionals from
fields of medicine, dentistry, ayurveda, and homeopathy residing in the major Indian metropolitan
cities of western India.
RESULTS: This study showed that under the self‑oriented domain, highest mean score is of medical
faculty (73.97). In other‑oriented domain, dental (62.62) and homeopathy (62.38) professionals have
almost similar mean. Lowest being of ayurveda (61.65) compared to the highest score of the medical
fraternity (67.62). In the socially prescribed domain, medical professionals (65.53) have the highest
mean though it is the lowest mean value of the medical faculty compared to other two domains.
Chi‑square test is applied to the data for the questions among all the three domains. Correlation has
been deduced by applying Pearson’s correlation to the collected data from the study. The degree of
correlation between self‑oriented with self‑oriented is 1, self‑oriented with other‑oriented is 0.763,
and that of self‑oriented with socially oriented is 0.678.
CONCLUSION: Medical professionals scoring maximum in self‑oriented perfectionism compared to
other two domains reflect their extreme personal standards. Medical professionals are followed by
dental professionals in self oriented perfectionism who are demanded of perfection in their routine
practice. Ayurveda and homeopathy professionals scored better in other‑oriented and socially
prescribed perfectionism attributing to their sentiments of fulfilling the expectations and demands
of others.


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