Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Medical Education, EDC, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
2 Department of Medical Education, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
BACKGROUND: Educational managers at universities of medical sciences are the suppliers of
human resources to the healthcare system. Thus, attention to their professional empowerment can
play a prominent role in improving the quality of medical science education.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was implemented through the method of modeling
and in the three stages of conceptual, modeling, and validation. The research environment was the
medical science universities of Iran and the sampling method was purposive. The two qualitative
approaches of literature review and semi‑structured interview were used to develop the components
of the model. The results were then integrated, the relationships between the components were
investigated, and the model was eventually finalized. The resulting scores were analyzed using
MicMac software.
RESULTS: Twelve categories and 20 subcategories were identified in the first micro‑study (desk
research). Qualitative analysis of the interviews in the second stage led to the identification of 21
subcategories and seven categories. Components of the conceptual model were extracted from
the results of the two first stages, both of which were aimed at the extraction of concepts relevant
to dynamic empowerment of medical science educational managers, and the conceptual model for
dynamic empowerment of medical science education managers was designed in the six categories
of education, decision‑making, organization, belief, dynamic capabilities, and environment after the
interactions between the components were studied.
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is a multifaceted and multidimensional concept, and all of the factors incorporated in the conceptual
model for dynamic empowerment of managers must receive special attention.
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