Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran,

2 Assistant, Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Associate, Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran


BACKGROUND: The immense comorbidity among disorders could be ascribed to common
trans‑diagnostic processes. The term trans‑diagnostic has been of interest in both pathology
and psychology. Trans‑diagnostic treatments were created as opposed to treatments based on
single‑diagnosis treatments. It addresses the common underlying mechanisms in a range of comorbid
disorders. Trans‑diagnostic treatment is one of the new psychological treatments, and its efficacy has
been proven on many psychological variables. The main focus of the current study is on designing
unified trans‑diagnostic interventions and their efficacy on the shared mechanisms of comorbid
obsessive personality disorder with anxiety, depression, and obsessive‑compulsive disorder.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: the sequential transformative strategy has two stages; qualitative
and quantitative. In The first and qualitative section of the research, explanatory research will be
carried out to investigate the trans‑diagnostic intervention using a systematic review. To validate
the trans‑diagnostic intervention, and simultaneously with the trans‑diagnostic intervention, a
questionnaire has been prepared and given to 10 psychology experts and professionals in the
treatment field concerning content validity by evaluators.
Quasi‑experimental research will be assessed with a pre‑test, post‑test, and a two‑month follow‑up
after confirming the validity and reliability of the intervention in the quantitative section.
CONCLUSION: Designing unified trans‑diagnosis interventions and their efficacy on the common
mechanisms of comorbid obsessive personality disorder with anxiety, depression, and obsessive‑compulsive
disorder is an effective treatment method for helping those suffering from a personality disorder. Clinical
psychologists, psychology experts, psychiatrists, and mental health experts are all the immediate
beneficiaries of this study. Moreover, clients could benefit from this intervention with less money and time.


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