Document Type : Original Article


Department of Community Medicine, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy of Higher Education and Research, Kolar, Karnataka, India


BACKGROUND: “Stress” acts as both etiological link and also as an outcome in the case of diabetes
mellitus. There is a paucity of literature regarding stress levels and also factors associated with it
among diabetic patients in India.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the perceived stress levels and their associated factors among diabetic
inpatients in a rural tertiary health care center, South India.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Afacility‑based cross‑sectional analytical study was conducted among
inpatient diabetics seeking care at a rural tertiary care center in Kolar district of Karnataka. Apre‑tested
semi‑structured questionnaire was used to capture the sociodemographic, disease‑related,
treatment‑related and behavior‑related characteristics of the inpatients. The outcome of “perceived
stress” was captured using a standard questionnaire of Cohen Perceived Stress Scale–10. Poisson
regression was used for multivariable analysis, and the association was expressed as prevalence
ratio with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
RESULTS: Out of the 247 study participants analysed, “perceived stress” was seen among 97 (39.3%)
of the participants (95% CI: 33.3%–45.5%). Multivariable analysis showed that factors like younger
age, lesser duration of diabetes, presence of any comorbidity, being underweight, having conflicts
at work place/home in the last 1 month, and not having enough money for treatment had shown
higher levels of “perceived stress.”
CONCLUSION: About two out of five inpatient diabetics seeking care from rural tertiary health centres
had shown to have “perceived stress.” There is a need for the inclusion of stress management
techniques in the diabetes education program at all levels of health‑care systems.


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