Document Type : Original Article


Health Management and Economics Research Center, Department of Medical Library and Information Science, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


INTRODUCTION: Volunteers are valuable human resources for service‑providing organizations.
Health system requires their participation and cooperation in all sectors to achieve more success.
The present study was conducted to recognize factors influencing the use of volunteer clinical
forces (VCFs) in Tehran hospitals from 2018 to 2020.
METHODS: This is a qualitative study, based on grounded theory approach, and was done through
semi‑structured interviews. The studied population included the experts, managers of hospitals, and
high‑ranking managers in the Ministry of Health, Iranian Red Crescent Organization, and health
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Nineteen persons were selected by purposeful sampling
method and interviewed. The achieved data were analyzed by content analysis method.
RESULTS: The results showed that using VCFs in Tehran’s hospitals was affected by eight following
factors: organizational, legal, policy‑making, economic, social, security, personal, and cultural
dimensions. These findings illustrated the necessity of making changes in the structures, the rules,
and the culture of health system to fit the bases with new approaches.
CONCLUSION: VCFs amplify the quality and structure of service providing for patients in hospitals.
The focus of policymakers and high‑ranking managers in health system is on accelerating their use
permanently and legally. Developing health‑centered NGOs facilitates the access to VCF, lessens
nonclinical loads of hospitals, and improves the organization of human forces. The experiences and
knowledge of VCFs cause to develop hospitals’ resilience, develop social participation, and improve
social capitals in medical field.


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