Document Type : Original Article


1 Departments of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

2 Nursing and Midwifery Care Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


BACKGROUND: Regular physical activity during preconception period has beneficial effects
on the health of women during conception and the identification of factors associated with it is
an effective factor for improving the behavior. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the
relationship between the physical activity and health belief model (HBM) constructs (perceived
susceptibility/severity, barriers, and self‑efficacy) as intrapersonal factors among women undergoing
preconception care.
METHODS: In this cross‑sectional study, 110 women who were undergoing preconception care were
carried out. Moreover, health belief constructs and attitude toward physical activity were assessed
through the use of researcher‑made questionnaire. In addition, the duration of physical activity with
moderate/vigorous intensity was evaluated utilizing a long form of the International Physical Activity
RESULTS: The results showed that although there was a relationship between the all health belief
constructs and attitude toward physical activity and the duration of leisure physical activities carried
out during (P < 0.05), but using the linear regression test showed that only perceived barriers,
independent from other variables, had a significant inverse correlation with this type of activities
(β = −0.27, P = 0.02).
CONCLUSION: The findings of this study showed that among the constructs of theHBM, perceived
barriers are the most important predictor of physical activity in women during the preconception
period and emphasize the need to design possible means to promote physical activity to remove
barriers to effective physical activity.


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