Document Type : Original Article
- . Nasrin Abdoli
- . Vahid Farnia
- . Safora Salemi
- . Faezeh Tatari
- . Jalal Shakeri
- . Behrad Basanj
- . Toraj AhmadiJuibari 1
- . Saiedeh Bahrampouri 2
1 Clinical Research Development Center, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences,
2 Health in Emergency and Disaster Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
BACKGROUND: Regarding the high prevalence of substance abuse and its serious complications,
the necessity of assessing factors assuming to make tendency toward substance abuse is justifiable.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The statistical population consisted of all car drivers referred to traffic
department in 2015 in Kermanshah. In this descriptive study of correlation type, 846 risky drivers from
referrals to traffic department were randomly selected. Data were analyzed through NEO personality
inventory, general health questionnaire, and discriminant analysis.
RESULTS: Discriminant analysis was used to analyze data. Standard coefficients of discriminant
function revealed that depression, social functionality, physical symptoms, neurosis, and anxiety
symptoms were of the highest role in discriminant function while agreeableness and conscientiousness
had the least role in discriminant function and its success. The discriminant analysis also showed
that linear combination of above variables is able to explain about 75.5% of variance of difference
between two groups (P < 0.0001).
CONCLUSIONS: Regarding the results of this study, it is proposed that the role of personality
characteristics as well as mental health in tendency toward substance abuse could be appreciated
and included in preventive and treatment programs held for people with methamphetamine abuse.
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