Document Type : Original Article
- . Ziba Khalili 1
- . Mohammad Panahi Tosanloo 2
- . Hossein Safari 2
- . Bahman Khosravi 2
- . Seyyed Abolfazl Zakerian 3
- . Nazli Servatian 4
- . Farhad Habibi Nodeh 5
1 Department of Health Promotion and Education, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
2 Departments of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
3 Department of Occupational Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
4 Department of Hematology, school of medical science, Tarbiat Modares University
5 Departments of Health Management and Economics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Human Resources and Administrative Affairs Officer, Bazarganan Hospital, Tehran, Iran
AIM AND BACKGROUND: Studies show that the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among
computer users is more than the other occupations. The present study aimed to determine the effect
of educational intervention based on the “stages‑of‑change” model on practicing the correct posture
to reduce MSDs among computer user staff of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
METHODS: This is a quasi‑experimental study which was carried out on 176 staff of TUMS. The
study population was divided into two case and control groups, each including 88 participants.
A self‑structured as well as a standard questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data then were
analyzed using descriptive and analytical tests.
RESULTS: There was no significant difference between both groups in terms of mean score of
stages of change, perceived benefits and barriers, self‑efficacy, and processes of change before
the intervention. However, the mean score of these variables increased for case group 3 months
after the intervention. In addition, case group participants reported lower MSDs in their neck, lower
back, elbow, and knee compared to control group.
CONCLUSION: Ergonomic educational intervention based on the “stages‑of‑change” model has a
positive impact on reduction of MSDs. Therefore, these disorders can be decreased through reducing
working hours, changing the work conditions in accordance with ergonomic principles, dedicating
some time for staff exercise, and holding educational courses for the personnel.
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