Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Health Education and Promotion, School of Health, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran
2 Research Center for Environmental Determinants of Health, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah Student Research Committee, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah
BACKGROUND: The educational environment has been confirmed as crucial factor for active
learning. Team‑based learning (TBL) is an interactive teaching method which improves students’
perceptions and performance.
OBJECTIVES: The comparison of the team‑based learning method through lecture‑based approach
on health education curriculum in public health students
METHODS: A quasi‑experimental study was conducted among 23 public health students of bachelor
degree and 14 public health students of associate degree to teach communication and Health
Education in Qom University of Medical Sciences from January 2015 to Jun 2016. Students of
bachelor degree selected TBL and students of associate degree preferred the traditional lecture‑based
method. In the current study, educational outcomes were defined as educational environment
and academic performance. At the last session of the semester, the educational environment and
academic performance of both groups were evaluated. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0
using Chi‑square and Mann–Whitney test.
RESULTS: The mean and standard deviation of individual test score between the two groups showed
significant difference based on Mann–Whitney results (P = 0.036). The mean of final examination score
in TBL group was significantly higher than the traditional lecture group (P < 0.021, Mann–Whitney).
Our findings showed that in TBL group, 78.3% of students’ perceptions were in very favorable
condition while it was only 28.6% for students of the traditional method.
CONCLUSIONS: TBL method improves students’ perceptions about each area of educational
atmosphere and also provides opportunities to innovate which lead to active teamwork among
learners, and it can effectively enhance students’ academic performance.
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