Document Type : Original Article



PURPOSE: Noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention is emerging as a public health priority in
developing countries. For better health outcome in these countries, it is necessary to understand the
different community‑based interventions developed and implemented across the world.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the current review is to identify the best strategies used in
community‑based health intervention (CBHI) programs across the world.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: For review, we searched in PubMed and Google Scholar with the
keywords “community based,” “health interventions,” “health promotions,” “primary prevention,” chronic
diseases,” “lifestyle‑related diseases,” and “NCD.” Data were extracted using predesigned data
extraction form. CBHI studies detailing their intervention strategies only were included in the review.
RESULTS: Out of 35 articles reviewed, 14 (40%) were randomized control trials, while 18 (51.4%)
were quasi‑experimental design. Individual level (n = 14), group level (n = 5), community level (n = 6),
and policy level (n = 4) intervention strategies were identified. Twenty‑three (64%) studies were based
on interventions for 1 year and above. Twenty‑eight (80%) studies were intervened among specific
populations such as Latinos and so on.
CONCLUSION: Successful programs advocate for a package or a chain of interventions than a single
intervention. The type of interventions at different levels, namely individual, group, community, and
policy levels vary across studies, but individual, and group level interventions are more frequently used.


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