Document Type : Original Article



INTRODUCTION: Immunization against vaccine‑preventable diseases in adults is the need of the
hour. The student nurses by virtue of training are the frontline health workers dealing with patient
care. They are exposed to maximum risk of contracting the diseases. Vaccine awareness is not
a part of their induction training program. It is necessary to plan preventive measure related to
vaccination in their interest.
AIM: This study aims to assess awareness and practices of nursing students related to adult
MATERIALS AND METHODS: It is a cross‑sectional study, conducted on nursing students of
School of Nursing in Mumbai, over a period of 4 months. Universal sampling technique was used.
Sample size was 271. A semi‑structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Data were
analyzed in Microsoft Excel.
RESULTS: The awareness about the vaccines was as follows: hepatitis B (98.1%), hepatitis A (72.3%),
rabies (90.4%), H1N1 (74.9%), dT (52%), meningococcal (33.6%), human papillomavirus (49.8%),
vaccines during pregnancy  (88.2%), varicella  (76.4%), typhoid  (54.6%), cholera  (52.8%),
rubella (79.7%), travel vaccines (63.5%), Japanese encephalitis (69%), haemophilus influenzae
b (40.9%), and pneumococcal (43.5%). About 87.8% of students have received TT at 10 years of
age and 83% have received TT at 16 years of age. Hepatitis B vaccine was taken by 64.5%, out
of which only 35% students received complete three doses. Majority of them could not answer the
correct doses, availability, and cost of these vaccines.
CONCLUSIONS: The awareness and practices about adult immunization are found to be inadequate.
Nurses should be appraised about theory and practical aspect of immunization as an immediate
solution. Furthermore, considering the importance of this topic, the induction training program
of nursing students should include awareness on adult immunization and emphasize their own
vaccination. The annual health checkup of students should ensure the compliance of vaccines such
as hepatitis B.


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