Document Type : Original Article



INTRODUCTION: As an integral and the most important part of medical education, clinical education
provides the opportunity to prepare medical students as professionals. This study explores the
standpoints of informants concerning the optimal conditions for clinical education and its components,
including learning opportunities, clinical settings, and clinical tutors, with the aim to improve clinical
teaching and standards.
METHODS: The study design is built on qualitative content analysis with the directed approach. The
participants were selected using purposive sampling with maximum variation, and the data were
collected through online focus group discussion (FGD) and semi‑structured individual interviews
conducted either face‑to‑face or on the telephone.
RESULTS: Twenty vice‑chancelleries of education and medical education planners from across the
country participated in this study. Concepts resulted in four main categories: educational settings,
tutors, creating learning opportunities, and learning situations. The concepts were sorted into 15
subcategories, also 21 subclass 1 and 14 subclass 2. The most extensive subcategories comprised
variety of educational settings, teaching team conditions, and learning strategies.
CONCLUSION: Optimal conditions for clinical education are associated with the use of educational
settings close to the real workplace of general practitioners such as general inpatient settings,
outpatient settings, and emergency department. Moreover, optimal conditions require the provision
of learning opportunities by organized team of tutors and team member empowerment along with
policy‑making and planning on the national scale by the Ministry of Health in consideration of local


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