Document Type : Original Article
1 Dialysis Clinic, Ottawa General Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada
2 Department of Midwifery, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
3 Department of Adult Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Nurse Office in Deputy of Treatment Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan,
4 Medical Education Development Center, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
BACKGROUND: If we take the family as a circle, the disabled child is in the center of the circle and
weights on all communications in the family. Therefore, in this research, the experiences of all family
members are studied. The knowledge about families’ experiences helps the caregivers to have a
deep recognition of family status and individual and social relations.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a phenomenological study. Participants were Iranian
families with disabled child and were selected by a goal‑oriented sampling. Data collection was
done through an unstructured interview. Interviews were transcript based. Data analysis was done
by Colaizzi’s method. Codes were extracted from the interviews and then the main concepts were
formed by organizing the formulated meanings into clusters of themes.
RESULTS: Data were being compiled from the 18‑h interview tapes and the verbatim transcription of
the interviews with the 12 study participants. Then, the researchers formulated the meanings of each
significant statement into 65 codes and organized the formulated meanings into following four clusters
of themes: 1 – protective structure, 2 – adjustment, 3 – social isolation, 4 – psychological tension.
CONCLUSION: The existence of a disabled child may lead to psychological and spiritual distress
and vast changes in every aspect of each member of the family.
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