Document Type : Original Article
Savitri Neuromind Care, Mahavir Nagar, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
BACKGROUND: Substance abuse and mental disorder often coexist and may cause several
consequences in sociooccupational functioning and health care and management. Indian data are
sparse in this area.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to examine the sociodemographic profile, pattern, and
prevalence of alcohol and substance use among person suffering with mental illness and to compare
with those without mental illness.
METHODS: A total of 80 treatment‑seeking patients with mental illness and 80 nontreatment seeking
healthy accompanying persons were assessed for current substance use. Mental illness was screened
using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM‑IV Axis I Disorders and the diagnosis was made as per
DSM IV, semi‑structured sociodemographic pro forma was also applied. The data collected were
analyzed using the Chi‑square and Student’s t‑test.
RESULTS: Substance use was found 2.5 times higher among cases (56.2%) than controls (22.5%).
Substance‑using participants comprised mainly males belonging to rural residence. The substance
using cases were more unmarried, less educated, poorer economically, and more nuclear family
structures that substance‑using controls. When compared with non‑substance using cases, cases
with substance use had more males than females and lower education. Although both groups were
almost similar in term of marital status, family structure, residence, and socioeconomic status.
Among both groups, most common substance use was tobacco, followed by alcohol and cannabis.
Although all the substances were more prevalent among cases than controls. The prevalence of
any substance use was highest among cases with psychotic disorder (77.3%), followed by unipolar
depression (62.5%), bipolar affective disorder (41.7%), and anxiety disorders (21.4%). Tobacco and
cannabis use was most prevalent among cases suffering with psychotic disorders, whereas alcohol
use was most prevalent among cases suffering with unipolar depression.
CONCLUSIONS: Mentally ill individuals are vulnerable to develop substance use, thus they are doubly
jeopardized. The susceptibility of these individuals stem from lesser insight, need for stimulation, to
decrease the anhedonia induced by psychoactive medicines and poor awareness hence this group
of individuals has several health and social consequences; therefore, they require due attention.
A better care, support, and education are needed for substance using patients with mental illness
to improve their prognosis and also help in their appropriate rehabilitation.
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