Document Type : Original Article
Health Information Management, School of Engineering and Advance Technology, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand
INTRODUCTION: Simultaneously along with information technology progress, knowledge
has considered as a fundamental base for economic growth for the time being. In today’s
knowledge‑based economy, production and exploitation of knowledge play the main roles in the
process of wealth creation. The current revolution in information technology has given new light to
the importance of knowledge such that it has now become the base of economy in today’s world.
In today’s knowledge‑based economy, production and exploitation of knowledge play the main
roles in the process of wealth creation. Considering key contributions of knowledge management in
competitiveness of organizations and their entry into global arenas, this study sought to evaluate the
impact of different aspects of intellectual property on innovations in computer and health information
system (HIS) units at selected medical center in the city of Isfahan during 2015.
OBJECTIVES: The present study seeks to evaluate the impact of different aspects of intellectual
property on innovations in computer and HIS units at selected medical centers in the city of Isfahan
during 2015 (2015).
SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Population of this research includes staff working in computer and HIS units
of 10 medical centers. Data were collected using a questionnaire made by the researcher. A written
questionnaire (also referred to as self‑administered questionnaire) is a data collection tool in which
written questions are presented that are to be answered by study individuals, where for the case of
the present study include staff members working at computer and HIS units of 10 medical centers.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the first stage, medical factors were determined by experts of
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences as intellectual property. Factors were then distributed randomly
among 100 employees during a survey, after considering their validity and reliability.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis.
RESULTS: Data analysis showed that innovation is one of the most important indicators of intellectual
capital in computer and HIS units of medical centers and has a higher than average importance.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study, in addition to providing guidelines in the management of
intellectual capital in Isfahan province hospitals, can be used as a model for improving innovation in
hospitals and understanding various factors affecting organizational innovation.
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