Document Type : Original Article
- . Zarrin Zarrinabadi
- . Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam
- . Nasrolah Erfani 1
- . Mohsen Ahmadi Tahour Soltani 2
1 Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, I.R. Iran,
2 Department of Clinical Psychology, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
INTRODUCTION: According to the research mission of the librarianship and information sciences field,
it is necessary to have the ability to communicate constructively between the user of the information
and information in these students, and it appears more important in medical librarianship and
information sciences because of the need for quick access to information for clinicians. Considering
the role of spiritual intelligence in capability to establish effective and balanced communication makes
it important to study this variable in librarianship and information students. One of the main factors
that can affect the results of any research is conceptual model of measure variables. Accordingly,
the purpose of this study was codification of spiritual intelligence measurement model.
METHODS: This correlational study was conducted through structural equation model, and 270 students
were opted from library and medical information students of nationwide medical universities by simple
random sampling and responded to the King spiritual intelligence questionnaire (2008). Initially,
based on the data, the model parameters were estimated using maximum likelihood method; then,
spiritual intelligence measurement model was tested by fit indices. Data analysis was performed by
Smart‑Partial Least Squares software.
RESULTS: Preliminary results showed that due to the positive indicators of predictive association and
t‑test results for spiritual intelligence parameters, the King measurement model has the acceptable fit
and internal correlation of the questionnaire items was significant. Composite reliability and Cronbach’s
alpha of parameters indicated high reliability of spiritual intelligence model.
CONCLUSIONS: The spiritual intelligence measurement model was evaluated, and results showed
that the model has a good fit, so it is recommended that domestic researchers use this questionnaire
to assess spiritual intelligence.
p. 232.
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