Document Type : Original Article



INTRODUCTION: Providing health promotion and communication learning opportunities for medical
students practising their theoretical information into action, addressing the health problems, and
trying to find suitable and feasible interventions is very much neededto learn and experience directly
about healthrelated behavior in the community. Health promotion practice of PRECEDE‑PROCEED
model, is used as the foundation of this Family Outreach and Empowerment Program (FOEP). This
study aims to implement and evaluate FOEP as an effective health promotion learning model for
undergraduate medical students.
METHODS: Two hundred and forty‑four medical students joined the program for the whole weeks.
The reports were evaluated to assess their activities throughout the process. Evaluation was done
using the assessment checklists based on PRECEDE‑PROCEED framework. Data collected from
the assessment will be processed and analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 program.
RESULTS: Two hundred and forty‑four report’s has been evaluated, the report’s scores in the
category very good is 136, good 64, enough 26, bad 12 and very bad 6. The main problem in FOEP
is behavior (37,6%) and the most alternate intervention choosen is education (232).
DISCUSSION: The most intervention used by students for FOEP was education because it has been
proven that can demonstrate feasibility, effectivity, increase knowledge control, and self‑efficacy
among disease.
CONCLUSION: Student’s reports was already satisfied.


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