Department of Yoga, Sanchi University of Buddhist-Indic Studies, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis, Bhadbhada Square, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
College students are vulnerable to a critical period in developmental maturation, facing rigorous
academic work, and learning how to function independently. Physical activities such as running and
bicycling have been shown to improve mood and relieve stress. However, college students often have
low levels of physical activity. Yoga is an ancient physical and mental activity that affects mood and
stress. However, studies examining the psychophysiological effects of yoga are rare in peer‑reviewed
journals. The aim of this study is to establish preliminary evidence for the psychophysiological effects
of yoga on stress in young‑adult college students. The present study suggests that yoga has positive
effects on a psychophysiological level that leads to decreased levels of stress in college student.
Further research is needed to examine the extent to which different types of yogic practices address
the needs of different college subpopulations (e.g., overweight, sedentary, and smokers).
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