Document Type : Original Article
Department of Nursing, Academy of Nursing of Belitung (AKPER PEMKAB BELITUNG), Indonesia
BACKGROUND: Identifying nursing students’ plan after graduation is necessary to maintain the
profession in line with their nursing education. This study was conducted to explore the career plans
of diploma nursing students after graduation and factors influencing their plans.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a qualitative descriptive study using focus group discussion,
conducted in Academy of Nursing of Belitung, Indonesia. Twenty diploma nursing students at the
beginning of their 1st year of study were recruited. Data were analyzed using content analysis model.
RESULTS: The plan of diploma nursing students after graduation: becoming a civil servant and its
influencing factors (fixed and higher salary, fair remuneration and incentives, and retirement fund);
becoming a bedside nurse and its influencing factors (helping others and gaining experiences); and
continuing higher education in nursing and its influencing factors (recognition as professional nurse,
financial support, family responsibilities, and location of nursing schools).
CONCLUSION: It is suggested that nurse educators should change the mindset of the students not
to focus only becoming a civil servant, and the government should open bachelor program in nursing
in Belitung and provide educational support for those who would like to continue studying nursing.
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