Document Type : Original Article
AIM: To translate OHIP‑14 into Hindi and test its psychometric properties among school teacher
METHODS: The OHIP‑14 was translated to OHIP‑14‑H using WHO recommended translation
protocol. During pre‑testing, an expert panel assessed content validity of the questionnaire. Face
validity was assessed on a sample of 10 individuals. The OHIP‑14‑H was administered on a random
sample of 170 primary school teachers. Internal consistency and test‑retest reliability were assessed
using Cronbach’s alpha and Intra‑class correlation coefficient (ICC) respectively, with 2 weeks
interval. Predictive validity was tested by comparing OHIP‑14‑H scores with clinical parameters.
The concurrent validity was assessed using self‑reported oral health and discriminant validity was
ascertained through negative association with sociodemographic variables.
RESULTS: The mean OHIP‑14‑H score was 9.57 (S.D = 4.58). ICC and Cronbach’s alpha
for OHIP‑14‑H was 0.96 and 0.92 respectively. Concurrent validity using binomial regression
model indicated that good (OR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.55 – 4.47) and moderate (OR = 0.25, 95%
CI = 0.17 – 1.87) OHIP‑14‑H scores were negative but significant risk indicators of poor self reported
oral health (P < 0.009). Significant predictive validity was observed between OHIP‑14‑H scores and
clinical parameters (P < 0.000).
CONCLUSION: Translated and culturally adapted OHIP‑14‑H indicates good reliability and validity
among primary school teachers.
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