Document Type : Original Article
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore factors influencing the results of faculty member evaluation
from the viewpoints of faculty members affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan,
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study was done using a conventional content analysis
method. Participants were faculty members of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences who, considering
maximum variation in sampling, were chosen with a purposive sampling method. Semi‑structured
interviews were held with 11 faculty members until data saturation was reached. The interviews were
transcribed verbatim and analyzed with conventional content analysis method for theme development.
Further, the MAXQDA software was used for data management.
RESULTS: The data analysis led to the development of two main themes, namely, “characteristics
of the educational system” and “characteristics of the faculty member evaluation system.” The first
main theme consists of three categories, i.e. “characteristics of influential people in evaluation,”
“features of the courses,” and “background characteristics.” The other theme has the following as
its categories: “evaluation methods,” “evaluation tools,” “evaluation process,” and “application of
evaluation results.” Each category will have its subcategories.
CONCLUSIONS: Many factors affect the evaluation of faculty members that should be taken into
account by educational policymakers for improving the quality of the educational process. In addition
to the factors that directly influence the educational system, methodological problems in the evaluation
system need special attention.
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