Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Health Services Administration, School of Management and Medical Information, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran
2 Student Research Committee, School of Management and Medical Information, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman
3 Department of Health Services Administration, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Introduction: Medical tourism is rapidly becoming a worldwide, multibillion-dollar industry.
Iran has a high potential for this industry. The purpose of this study was to examine the
medical tourism cluster, using Diamond Analysis tool. Materials and Methods: This study is
a descriptive, analytical and qualitative one. Thirty professionals and researchers in this field
were interviewed and official documents belonging to the Health ministry as well as tourism
organization and finally related literature were examined. The data was analyzed using content
analysis method. Results: Positive and negative parts of the medical tourism industry of Iran
were determined according to diamond of advantage. Conclusion: The strategic issues were
identified and a number of possible solutions for addressing them were recommended. More
and effective public-private participations, aggressive marketing, improving infrastructures, and
international accreditation of health care facilities and human resources development could
improve medical tourism industry in the country.
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