Document Type : Original Article
Department of Social Medicine, School of Medicine, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran
Background: Communication is the most important part of any educational process, the aim
of which is to transfer or exchange ideas and thoughts. It would be provided appropriately if
academic members had the communication skills. Considering the important role of academic
members in the educational process, in this study, the knowledge, attitude and performance
of academic members of School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, were
investigated with regard to effective communication skills. Materials and Methods: In this
descriptive–analytic study, all academic members of the School of Public Health, Isfahan
University of Medical Sciences, were studied during the second academic semester of 2006-
2007. The data were collected by a valid and reliable three-part questionnaire including
knowledge (8 questions and maximum score of 8), attitude (31 questions and maximum score
of 155) and observational communication skills checklist (20 questions and maximum score
of 20). The obtained data were analyzed by calculating central indices using SPSS software.
Findings: The mean knowledge score of studied people in terms of communicational skills,
attitude and performance were 4.1 out of 8, 114.4 out of 155 and 16.3 out of 20, respectively.
Conclusion: Although the information of the participants of this study in terms of communication
skills was not sufficient, they seemed to have a positive attitude and relatively acceptable
performance in communication skills.
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