Document Type : Original Article


Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: Outsourcing in healthcare is a cost-effective strategy that can lead to increase services
quality. The aim of this study was to determine the types of services that have been outsourced
in educational hospitals in Isfahan and to investigate managers’ view about the impact of
Outsourcing. Design/Methodology/Approach: A descriptive-survey study carried out in 2010.
Our samples consisted of 100 educational hospital and treatment deputy senior managers of
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences and 53 usable questionnaires were received. Survey
instrument main points were the extent to which educational hospital outsource services and the
impact of Outsourcing. Reliability and validity of the questionnaire have been verified. Data are
analyzed with SPSS18 software. Findings: The results for medical-diagnostics services showed
physiotherapy, radiology, and ultrasound that have the highest rate (33%) of being outsourced.
Between logistic and administrative activities, housekeeping, and facility engineering maintenance
services are the highest rate of outsourced (100%) and green space, CSR, laundry, and medical
records are the lowest rate of outsourced (16%). In managers’ view, in relation to advantages
of outsourcing, pay more attention to internal and external customers in private sector (57.2%)
was the highest. In relation to disadvantages of outsourcing, costs increase for the patients
(45.6%) was the highest. In relation to barriers of outsourcing, forgetting the goal of outsourcing
(efficiency) (60.6%) was the highest. Conclusion: Finally, managers’ views about outsourcing
in health services organizations were rather acceptable, but in their views, there are barriers in
implementation of outsourcing and they are focused on removing the barriers before outsourcing.
Fundamental infrastructure developments as making competing market, promoting of cultures,
education, modifying the management attitude and approach, and establishing incentive policies
are emphasized for successful implementation of outsourcing.


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