Department of Health Education and Promotion, School of Public Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Type 2 diabetes is one of the most life-threatening public health challenges in the world. It
causes a high disease burden including increased disability, reduced life expectancy and everincreasing costs of care in almost every country. The growing burden of diabetes along with
rapid cultural changes, aging population, increasing urbanization, changes in nutritional habits,
reduced physical activity, and improper lifestyle and behavior patterns would inexorably drive
increased health care costs and demands. Several models of education have been proposed
to reduce the complications of chronic diseases including diabetes. However, it is widely known
and acknowledged that adopting self-care and self-management behaviors play a fundamental
role in diabetes control and treatment.A non-systematic (narrative) search strategy was used to
collect necessary data. Several models of diabetes care such as compliance-based or curative
models exist. Neither the curative model nor the compliance/adherence model is rigorously
effective in diabetes care. The model of self-empowerment – based on the three fundamental
aspects of chronic illness care: choices, control, and consequences – is much more applicable
in the management of diabetes. This point to an approach which recognizes that patients are
responsible for their diabetes care. Self-empowerment model has the potential to place diabetes
care into context – a context which is based on active involvement of patients and informed,
proactive healthcare professionals in the process of care.
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