Document Type : Original Article


Department of Health Education, School of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.


Background: Family health is one of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) programs
concerning individuals’ and families’ health and development. If properly implemented, family health may ensure the health of human beings and support their self-fulfillment; and may
pave the way for bringing up a healthier and better generation by achieving two important
and specific quantitative and qualitative results. This study aims at establishing the existing
problems in the medical education system with respect to family health, which may be managed by the family health professional if a Masters’ course educational program is developed.
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional, descriptive study, five Type-1 and four Type-2 and
Type-3 universities were randomly selected. Then, the faculty members of health services/public
health departments, health managers, health and treatment networks managers, personnel of
provincial health centers in family health units, and also public health B. S. students were surveyed
on the existing problems in the national health system which can be solved by family health professional. A questionnaire containing one open-ended and several demographic questions was sent
by mail for some and personally handed over to some others. Since the data were of a qualitative
nature, first the categories were specified through content analysis and then the opinions of each
category of individuals were differentiated based on the relevant categories. Results: Results obtained from the comments of the study population led to specification of problems in health system,
which could be solved by the family health senior expert. Such problems were categorized into six
groups as: Planning and implementation, research, education, management, service-providing, and
cultural problems. Conclusion: Given the problems in our nation concerning various family health
issues, the field of family health in the levels of associate and bachelor degrees cannot respond to
all public requirements, and health personnel in these levels do not possess various professional,
planning, research, and educational skills required to analyze family health problems. Therefore,
it is suggested that a Masters’ course educational program be developed.


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