Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of Education, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran
2 Department of Medical Education, University of Tasmania, Tasmania
Introduction: This study addresses the design and validation of the experiential curriculum
model for medical education using a Feministic approach. Method: The present study was
conducted on two non separable planes. On the first plan, the model was designed based on
the Feministic approach using the theoretical study method and emphasizing the perspectives ascribed to Nell Noddings, Madeline Grumet and Janette Miller. Results: The levels of
this model include Expected Curriculum, Imaginal Curriculum, Concealed curriculum, Interactive curriculum (Manifest Curriculum, Latent Curriculum, Look the parenting), Transferential
Curriculum and Self Determination. On the second plane, to validate the combined model, a
phenomenologically qualitative study was conducted. In this study, using goal-oriented sampling, undergraduate and graduate (Master’s degree) students majoring in Dentistry, Nursing
at Islamic Azad University Khorasgan Branch, Esfahan as well as those at at Esfahan University
of Medical Sciences were selected. Deep interview was used to collect data. The findings were
analyzed using Van Manen’s six-stage model. To determine the reliability of the findings, reliability of reality reconstruction were used. Conclusion: The results obtained suggested that:
Education is in need of some conceptual reconstruction. On this way, women’s perceptions
and experience of education and of the interior epistemological and curricular system which
shape the discourse and performance of education must be addressed. Serving as a research
model offering the various planes of the experiential curriculum and focusing more sharply on
the dimensions of curriculum than the formal plane, the present study is recommended to the
decision-makers of higher education curricular system.
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