Document Type : Original Article
Faculty Member of Library and information Science, University of Payam-e-Nour, Shahreza Unit, Isfahan, Iran
Marketing is one of the essential parts of any business corporation in the modern management. One can see the difference between corporations in gaining their goals, considering their
marketing methods. Gaining more advantage or acquiring more funds can be of reasons for
marketing, but these are not all the reasons. Perhaps the most important reason for marketing
is increasing the customer satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to more willingness in payment and
using services. Nowadays, due to rapid growth in ICT, changes in budgets, rapid growth in
development and use of knowledge, variety of users and their needs, marketing has become
an important factor in any library activities. Libraries are now more responsible in this regard,
because marketing is now an important tool in improving users’ satisfaction in using library
services. Hence, marketing is now very important for libraries to survive in the increasing pressures of competitive conditions of the information market. This article is tapping on issues such
as information marketing, principles of marketing, marketing techniques, developing markets,
and marketing skills. Some recommendations are also presented for marketing in libraries.
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