Document Type : Original Article
Health Sciences Research Center, Department of Health and Management, School of Health, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
In a world of continuously changing business environments, organizations have no option;
however, to deal with such a big level of transformation in order to adjust the consequential
demands. Therefore, many companies need to continually improve and review their processes
to maintain their competitive advantages in an uncertain environment. Meeting these challenges
requires implementing the most efficient possible business processes, geared to the needs of the
industry and market segments that the organization serves globally. In the last 10 years, total quality
management, business process reengineering, and business process management (BPM) have
been some of the management tools applied by organizations to increase business competiveness.
This paper is an original article that presents implementation of “BPM” approach in the healthcare
domain that allows an organization to improve and review its critical business processes. This
project was performed in “Qaem Teaching Hospital” in Mashhad city, Iran and consists of four
distinct steps;(1) identify business processes,(2) document the process,(3) analyze and measure
the process, and (4) improve the process. Implementing BPM in Qaem Teaching Hospital changed
the nature of management by allowing the organization to avoid the complexity of disparate, soloed
systems. BPM instead enabled the organization to focus on business processes at a higher level.
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